6 Untold Benefits of Bathing with Cold Water This Season

Water is a very useful resource in nature. We use it for many purposes which are all beneficial to the body and the environment. Besides the benefits we obtain when we drink water, taking bath with cold water also has numerous advantages that many do not know. But with the popularity of cold water in the wellness trends, one may wonder if the hype is justifiable.

This article, therefore, delves into the potential benefits and risks of immersing yourself in chilly water. From boosting circulation and improving skin health to relieving muscle soreness and strengthening immunity, cold water therapy offers a range of advantages. However, it's essential to understand the potential drawbacks and precautions before taking cold bath.

6 Untold Benefits of Bathing with Cold Water

What You Need to Know When Taking Bath with Cold Water

a. If you have negative health risk associated with cold, you can avoid cold water: Possible health related issues include hearth related issues resulting from cold shock. Bathing cold water can also cause skin reactions known as cold urticaria. Some people can feel numbness in their thumbs, toes or other parts of the bodies when exposed to cold.

b. You don't necessarily need to take bath with ice cold water, however, your cold water is best at temperature lower than 60 degrees Celsius. That is the best level to benefit from the cold bath.

Benefits of bathing with cold water

These are the different ways bathing with cold water can be beneficial to you.

1. Cardiovascular Benefits

Bathing cold water is known to enhance the flow of blood in the body. Experts believe that pouring cold water our body improves the circulation of blood in the body which can help to open up blocked blood vessels. Therefore, cold bath can help to reduce blood pressure and boost oxygen supply to vital parts of our body, thereby also promoting heart health.

2. Skincare

Cold water is better for the care of our skin over hot water. Hot water can lead to the dryness of skin and also opens the pores to dirt that can block them. When cold water touches the body, there is an initial reaction that results in the constriction of pores and cuticles. This reaction protects the skin not just from dirt from harmful materials that could penetrate the body through dermal absorption. Moreover, study shows that cold water therapy can help reduce inflammation, boost collagen production, and balance sebum levels. This results in better skin elasticity, smaller pores, and a healthier complexion. Such therapy may include cold shower.

3. Protection from cold

This sounds ironic because cold water is supposed to make one feels cold, but that is not the case. You feel warmer after having a cold bath over a hot one, especially if the water is not at frozen temperature. The reason is that when our body is exposed to cold weather, it finds a way to control the normal body temperature as one of the collective body regulation processes known as homeostasis. Therefore, the moment your body is exposed to cold water, besides constriction, it produces more brown fats, a type needed to keep the body warm. Do not misunderstand this, the body has different types of fat, the brown, white, fat subcutaneous and other fats. While the brown fat is beneficial for body temperature regulation.

4. Relieve from muscle spasm and pains

Taking bath with cold water after exercise or returning from gym helps relieve from muscle soreness. This is one of the reasons ice blocks is used on injured athletes and professional boxers. There are many forms of hydrotherapy that involves cold water bath and treatment.

5. Immune boost

Cold bath or just pouring cold water on the body causes immediate shock to the body temperature, especially if you move from hot to cold water immediately. This shock cold bath helps to stimulate the white blood cells (leucocytes) which boosts the body immunity against viruses in the blood.

6. Relief from stress, anxiety and depression

When taking cold shower following stress and anxiety, the body feels a bit relaxed. This is because exposing oneself to cold water triggers the release of stress relief hormones (also known as feel good chemicals) like endorphins. These hormones help to calm the mind and improve mood, thereby playing vital roles in helping one cope with depression.

Benefits of Bathing with Cold Water This Season
Photo credit: Dominco Fornas/iStock

In addition, as we discussed in the above paragraph, cold water improves blood circulation thereby making one feels alert and refreshed. Therefore, whenever you feel stress, tired or anxious, bathing with cold water can help.


Cold water boasts numerous overlooked benefits. While cold baths offer potential advantages, it's crucial to consider your overall health and how your body responds each time you take bath with cold water. Experimenting with cold showers and monitoring your reactions can help you determine if they're right for you. Otherwise, continue with you hot bath.

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