How to Enjoy Your Work and Feel Happy at Workplace Amidst Challenges

Study shows that at least 21% of workers worldwide do not enjoy their work. Also, 2019 survey by Forbes suggest that more than half of the US workers are not happy with their jobs. There is also a significant percentage of workers who feel that their jobs are good yet are not happy with it because of workplace challenges. Most of these studies are even carried in advanced countries where employee's welfare is a priority and payment are good. In developing countries where most workers are highly exploited, feeling happy at workplace is strange and occasional.

Workers working happily

The disadvantage of not enjoying your job is numerous. Unhappy working environment reduces the efficiency of the human resources. Not enjoying and feeling unhappy at work can affect you emotionally and mentally. When work is enjoyable, there is a boost in productivity and a surge in employee's performance. Meanwhile, irrespective of the condition of your workplace, you can create a condition that makes you enjoy your job.

These are ways you can enjoy your work and feel happy at workplace:

1. Do away with the suffering mindset

Many workers equate their works or assigned responsibility as suffering. This is common among workers playing roles that require physical activity such as those in the construction industry, factories and transportation. Nurturing a suffering mindset at workplace reduces your efficacy and affects you mentally.

"When what you are doing brings you financial income or any form of benefit, it is not suffering."

Irrespective of how tough your job feels, see yourself as a worker, an employee or a business owner instead of someone that is suffering. You can divert your mindset to the fact the physical, health or financial benefits your gain from the job. Assuming that you are carrying heavy loads, visualize yourself as engaging in similar physical activity you would do at a gym. 

2. Prioritize tasks

You can easily make your work easier and enjoyable by prioritizing tasks. Dedicating your time on tasks that are not important makes you tired even before you get to the main deal. The essence of productivity at workplace is beyond getting work done but making it enjoyable which in turn makes a worker happy. A happy worker is more effective and productive than the one that is only forced to work.

3. Optimize your break

Workers often think that spending the whole time to complete a task is the right way to get things done faster and properly. The truth is that stress can make you lose focus and concentration. When this happen, you can hardly be productive and happy with the job. Taking break gives you a moment to relax and refire your energy. It also prepares your mind to take on whatever challenge that is awaiting you at the next stage of your activity.

An employee enjoying workplace

4. Keep your workplace in order

Workplace environment can indirectly affect your mood. Keeping a workplace neat and tidy makes you have a sense of serenity and peace. A dusty and unkept workplace hinders have negative impact on your performance and mood. In addition, arranging your files in order and sorting them properly makes it easy to locate them and reach whatever data you need without stress. When there is no orderliness of files and the environment you cannot really be happy at workplace because of avoidable stress.

5. Avoid jobs that get you stuck

Being in a workplace that you think that you are stuck is one of the ways to make yourself unhappy with your job. Job should be flexible and give one the freedom to leave or stay. Where your mindset says that you cannot leave the work or that you will not find another job so easily, it becomes a sad situation. In order to enjoy your work, ensure that your work in a place that allows you that freedom. If your current work makes you feel stuck and deny your basic freedom, leave the job immediately.

6. Focus on innovation instead of routine

Doing the same thing over and over again, especially on daily basis, at workplace feels boring. Such a routine can make one feel sad, tired and uninterested in the work. Any work one does is enjoyable when it is active and transforming. When a job role promotes innovation and self-development, it does not only make you become a better person but makes you feel happy and create a sense of purpose and accomplishment.

7. Avoid direct crash with your colleagues

Having constant misunderstanding at workplace might be inevitable, especially if your job role relates with compliance and supervision. The reason is because most staff do not like people who enforce rules and regulations. However, it is good to avoid constant crashes as such might affect your mood and the very freedom at work. It can also hinder your happy moment at workplace. Therefore, always try to employ negotiation techniques and diplomacy when trying to let people stick to rules. Strict decisions should only be taken when every other option fails. If someone had offended you at your working place, learn how to easily forgive them.

8. Abide by work rules and regulations

You will constantly feel unhappy and will not be able to enjoy your work if don't abide by the workplace rules and regulations. It is sad that most workers get offended when they are ordered to follow common set rules. The truth is that most rules and regulations are even set for the safety of the workers who do not want to abide by it. When you stick to rules, you are directly avoiding encounters that can steal your happiness at workplace.

9. Never compromise your core values for work

You know your beliefs and core values; it is good to abide by them even at workplace. Sticking to your personal principles is one of the things that make up your personality. Once you allow something to interfere with your core values, it can affect how you enjoy your work. For example, you cannot enjoy or feel happy working at a place that produce illegal products when it is against your belief and core values. In order to retain who you are amidst workplace challenges is for you to build self-discipline.

10. Air your concerns when necessary

If there is anything that bothers you at workplace, it is better to air it out, if not during staff meeting, do it anonymously. Expressing yourself and rendering suggestions at workplace gives a sense of inclusiveness. It makes work satisfactory and enjoyable. Actually, not every workplace offers employees the freedom of expression, but they still will not reject it if you make a step. Good communication at workplace is also a great way to enjoy the work and ease your pressure. 

11. Go for jobs that align with your passion and hobbies

When you are passionate about your work, you will enjoy and feel happy doing it. Passion is a great motivation when it comes to feeling happy and satisfied with your work. While considering payment is important, also ensure that there is something else that motivates you into accepting any job beside financial benefits. When a job aligns with your hobbies or what you like to do, it makes you feel happier.

12. Be proud of your job

A number of people do not only hate their jobs, but they are also not proud of it. It is a serious mental and emotional challenge to feel ashamed of what you are doing even when it is your means of survival. Not being proud of your job makes you sad even telling people where you work. 


Working is not supposed to feel like suffering. In fact, stress or tiredness is not a norm when it comes to work environment. Where your work makes you feel exhausted and uncomfortable, it is either the working environment is not good, or you need to change the manner you handle tasks.

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