15 Bad Behaviors and Habits that Block Your Success

Bad habits and behaviors can hold you back and block your success. Some of these destructive behaviors are familiar ones while others are those you would not even consider. Identifying these behaviors and working to stop them will help your journey toward success and self-improvement. 

Bad Behaviors that Block Your Success

You might be diligent and focusing on hard work, exercise, good diet and doing everything to meetup in life and live healthily, but without addressing these destructive behaviors and habits, you could still fall short. Therefore, it is important to live positive, work on yourself and prevent anything that can block your success.

These are 14 Behaviors that blocks success 

1. Fear of failure

Fear is one of the greatest enemies of success. The worst fear in this context is the fear of failure. When you are afraid of failure, you will not be able to try things out. This can make you lose great opportunities and cause delay in your life. It is good to take risks sometimes, especially when what you stand to gain is more than what you might lose when you fail. A lot of people have lived and died with great skills, talents and ideas because they were scared of trying things out. Once you are able to overcome fear, your chance to succeed becomes higher. Do not allow the fear of failure to block your success.

2. Procrastination

Procrastination can kill your dreams, ruin your life, block your success and make you lose good opportunities. It always feels like there is time and that you will do it later, but you will only realize that it is late when it is too late. Try to set goals and stick to your schedules. Set preferences and do things when you have to do them. Effective time management skills and goal-setting approaches can help you beat procrastination and succeed.

3. Perfectionist syndrome

Everyone has one fault or the other, everyone also make mistakes. Any move toward absolute perfection is futile and obstruct your success. When you dedicate yourself into looking perfect, you will end-up discovering more of your imperfections that you did not even realize. This can bring more discouragement and low self-esteem. It can also make you think you are not worthy enough to get it done. Instead of pursuing perfection, embrace a growth mindset and the idea of continuous self-improvement.

4. Pride

Pride is a killer of success and can ruin your life. It prevents you from learning and listening. People who have pride cannot take advice, and they always think that they know everything. Moreover, when people realize that you are too proud, they may keep vital information secret from you. Therefore, always try to humble yourself and pay attention to people around you. Giving people chance and being humble can open unimaginable doors.

5. Habitual lateness

Managing your time properly is a great approach to meeting up in life. Being fun of doing things lately can make you miss opportunities thereby blocking your success. Lateness also poses risks of experiencing unnecessary pressure and stress. When you go to events on time, you have the advantage of taking a comfortable seat, getting familiar with the environment and having full benefits from the gathering. Constant lateness is not a good attitude if you truly wish yourself a successful life.

6. Jealousy

When someone succeeds or looks better than you, appreciate them. It is normal to feel like meeting up your peers but when jealousy sets it, you are in trouble. Jealousy can block your success in many ways. It brings negative emotions that in turn hinders your growth. To meet up in life, you are supposed to stay focused on your goals and be steadfast on your ambitions. Jealousy can distract you from being yourself. It can also result in low self-esteem which is another serious drawback.

7. Negligence

"I-don't-care" attitude is very destructive and can greatly block your success. While being over cautious is not good, it is also bad to neglect things that you should care about. Negligence can make you ignore life changing opportunities and helpful information. It can also ruin your relationship and marriage, your job and other things that matter to you, and make you fall into danger in instances where you fail to detect hazards.

8. Self-doubt

Almost everyone doubts oneself at some point in life, however, making self-doubt to become a habit can block your success and bring you setbacks. It can stop you from trying and going after opportunities. If you want to succeed, you need to firstly believe in yourself. There must be something peculiar about you. Let that be your strength and the reason you begin to believe in yourself.

9. Trying to please everyone

You can never please everybody around you. Trying to do so will only hurt you or deny you opportunity to invest in your success journey. It can also block you from succeeding in life. It is good to be kind to people but live to please yourself as well and do what you think is right. This habit can prevent you from saying the truth when you are supposed to thereby promoting injustice and other bad manners.

"Trying to please everyone around you is a sign of weakness"

10. Gossip

Gossip can implicate you and block your success. Certain things are supposed to be secrets, however, developing the habit of lying makes it hard for you to keep secrets. When your gossip forces you to leak vital secret, an adversary can use that information to weigh you down.

Bad Habits that Block Success

Not able to keep secrets can also make you lose friends and not trustworthy. It can also take you to jail if you share certain secrets to the wrong people. The only way you can benefit from gossip is to make money from it. Yes, there are ways you can make money from gossip thereby turning the bad habit to a beneficial one. If you want to taste success, it is good to limit gossip.

11. Lack of values and boundaries

Know your boundaries and values. You cannot go for everything. Setting boundaries is one of the ways for you to build integrity and self-esteem which boost your chance to succeed. When people know that you do not have limits, they can talk to you anyhow and do whatever they like with you. Also, lack of personal principles and values mean you can be easily lured to do things you are not supposed to do even when it goes against your set goals. No one wants someone without integrity to lead or take higher position. In that case, this can block your success.

12. Self-comparison

Using others as a measure of your success can end up blocking your success. We do not follow same pattern in life, each individual has his own way. While emulating others can function as a guide, constantly comparing yourself to others might lead you to self-hate, jealousy or inferiority complex. Consequently, it will be hard to be happy or meet your personal goals when it is all about doing what others are doing or behaving like them.

13. Lies

It is hard if not impossible to escape the consequences of lies. You may not be caught by the person you are lying to but the guilt and the feeling that follows are always inescapable. The bad thing about lies is that you will need to invent more falsehood to coverup the previous one. This can keep you in a continuous chain of deceit and falsehood and end up ruining you. One of the most disturbing consequences of lies is when you are caught. When people realize that you are a liar, it is hard for them to trust you even when you are truthful. This makes lying a bad habit that you need to stop in order to move forward in life.

14. Gluttony

Habitual greed and voraciousness are bad behaviors that can ruin your life lifestyle and block your success. Gluttons easily fall into traps and can hardly stand their grounds. Learning to reject food and getting contented with what you have are great virtues that can greatly uplift you. Greed can lead you to stealing and killing, and too much love for food can get you embarrassed.

15. Laziness

Hardwork is one of the most important requirements for success. Laziness blocks success and can prevent you from going higher. Laziness can cause procrastination, negligence, and make you lose opportunities. If you truly want to succeed, try all best to stop the habit of being lazy.


Bad behaviors, habits and lifestyles can block your success and even ruin your life. If you truly want to see positive changes in life, try to mold yourself toward embracing good character and mindset. With the right mindset and positive behaviors, there is no height that you cannot reach.

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